I'm all about that personal growth, baby! 
Let's learn and grow together.

Learn to time-block with a SMILE!

Did you know that time blocking is not only for work related tasks? Its for YOU too! It's scheduling time in your day for YOU!

We are not meant to go through the motions of life. There is so much time in a day that is being wasted and not used to its fullest.

When you are intentional with your time-Life-work- productivity will increase.

join the waitlist

Does this sound like you?

you find yourself wishing for more time in the day

You feel like everything is spinning at a pace you can't keep up with

You wish there was a way to clone yourself

No amount of planners or to-do lists can keep you organized

Time-Blocking With a Smile will help you find lost time, increase your productivity, and bring some perfectly planned peace to your life!

there is time, minutes, moments in the day that are undiscovered or should i say being wasted. Thats a crime! 

This online course will teach you how to take back all that time you didn't think you had, and organize it to have the most productive day for YOU!

Time-Blocking With a Smile will help you identify your own unique habits, find areas to improve for maximum efficiency, give you my favorite time-blocking methods, and show you how to organize it all in a way customized system that works for you and your life!

Not everyone's day looks the same, and our lives are as unique as each of us - your time-blocking schedule will be too!

Join the waitlist to be the first to know when the next round of Time-Blocking With a Smile is open!

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You need a notebook, open mind, and plenty of positive self talk! Remember this course is to help you take control of YOUR time in YOUR way, so no beating ourselves up in this party!

what do i need for the course?

The course consists of weekly live Zoom calls that are recorded for you to be able to playback as well as homework between sessions

is the course live or pre-recorded?

TBWAS is 3 weeks long, with time reserved for some 1:1 help and any questions you have!

how long is the course?

Frequently Asked Questions

“Time Blocking with a Smile” is full of great tools to help take back your day! Angie Q is a wealth of wisdom when it comes to managing your day. 
I am amazed that when I implement these strategies how much more time I actually have. It has already brought more peace and ease to my days. Time no longer runs me. Grateful for this course!"

"If you want to know to learn how you spend your time you need this course. Wow I learned tips and tricks to be more intentional with my time. Angie’s techniques have not only assisted in my work life but has also carried over to my personal. My day no longer controls me and I have control of the day!"

"I am a busy mom with a full plate and starting a new business. I needed this course so bad. What Angie taught us makes me feel like I am taking control back. Angie left me with the confidence i needed to tackle my schedule. So excited to implement time blocking into my life!"

“Like so many other things, we overcomplicate. Women are busy and sometimes the thought of pausing to rese, re-prioritize and reorganize our schedules can feel like such a daunting activity. because of that we can overcomplicate that activity. In my attempts to eliminate hurry from my life, I knew I needed Angie’s time-blocking course. I needed a way to compartmentalize my have-to’s and my want-to’s and with Angie’s course, I received easy, digestible tips to immediately implement to make more room for the want-to’s and stay super focused on the have-to’s. No more procrastination now that I’m equipped with the tools to dedicate space to it all!”

Time-Blocking With a Smile only opens a few times a few times a year with a small group of learners. Don't miss out on joining the next group and taking control of your time!

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